Wednesday 16 May 2012

Rotoscoping experimentation

These are the rotoscoping experimentation i have done. The top photo is created in Illustrator using the pen tool to create block black lines. I then fill them in with color, and use the smooth tool to create the curved edge, if this is not done then it creates a jagged line. Although this is an interesting effect it's not what I wanted to create as water is smooth and i wanted to keep that element.

I like the way that the water look ascetically in the top photograph it's different and has it's own character. I do like the way in which the model has been drawn in the top photograph but i think color would improve it as the white block doesn't look right against the background.

The bottom picture is create by using the paintbrush tool in Photoshop i also like this way of drawing a rotoscoped picture, however i don't think it looks as 'clean' or professional. The extra color detail makes it look more realistic in that aspect though. I also used a different rotoscoping technique on the sea turtle. I used a blending brush to create block colors from a source photograph I had taken on a trip to the aquarium. I then used the smudge tool to blend the colors together to create a smooth finish and soft lighting just like under water.  

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