Wednesday 2 May 2012

Beach Session

 The beach session we went to was great fun and again I learnt more and more things about water based imagery.

From the photographs to the left you can see that I managed to get a large range of photographs. I however was slightly unsuccessful with getting half in half out photographs as my underwater camera wasn't focusing half way in the water, so the line of water didn't come out crisp.

I also had trouble with droplets on the 
 lens of the camera which ruined quite a few potentially good photographs. So in the future I will dip my camera in the water then take the photo so the droplets fall off.

Because of the weather also I wasn't able to clearly look at the photos on the digital screen this caused a problem.

Overall I think I got some good shots at the beach but again I learnt a lot of things that will help me in the future when taking water based imagery.

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