Wednesday 16 May 2012

Stephen Frink

Stephen Frink

I have looked at more photographers for half in half out concepts. The pictures above shows the same concept but slightly different than the others I have looked at.

On the top picture the subject matter is more open, and I like that there are lots of things to look at in the picture, the main focal point is the small island in the distance as it's the only thing above the water line. 

The reason why I like the half in half out concept is because of the mystery and the difference under the water in comparison to above it. I like the contrast in the top photograph because only one small island above and a completely different populated world below. The sea line almost looks like a film of glass laid on top of the water.

The second photograph is a little different and is more about the shape of the sea line, is an interesting flow and the eye follows it along. The model goes against the sea line which create some interesting shapes and it distorts the angles.

Another interesting part of this is the shadows on the models body, it creates and interesting pattern because of the water above. I'm going to see if I can create something like this in my own work. 

The composition of both photographs are interesting and there are multiple things to look at that create an interest point.

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