Thursday 22 March 2012

Character Costume and Culture

For my character i decided to try and create a history with the way he is clothed and the extras that tells the viewer who he is. I think that my work does show a good range of expressions and detail. The way that I have drawn him is taken from some black line graffiti work that I have been researching. I like the bold black lines and think it gives a direct view of the character. 

The anime style of the character was used to transfer the previous mark of my character into someone that could portray more fluid emotions. This, I think is very important especially with a carer as the main focus. As from interviews I have found it is a very emotional place to be.

I have tried to create, what I think is a detailed cartoon character, this is because my intentions are for this character to appeal to adults and children. I created the angel because young carers are already in a very adult world and I believe the fantasy and imagination in the design of the character will help any young carer to relax and lose themselves in a different world. 

With the adults I believe that they will relate to the character and understand the adult aspects that I am trying to portray, such as bravery and power, not in strength but emotional power and caring.

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