Tuesday 22 November 2011

Toy Story Character Animation

Disney Pixar is a very well-known and respected company, Toy Story the original was the first animated feature film. The characters that were created the first time were few, in Toy Story three there have been over one hundred characters created for this film, including all from the day care centre. One of the main characters created for this film was Lotso Huggin’ Bear.

The picture above shows the range of characters made for this film. When creating toys the animators have created well-loved toys like the Jack in the box, and other plastic dinosaurs.

Lotso huggin bear, the first time you see him he is smiley and very fluffy the animation show him as a big cuddly huggable teddy bear, that also smells of strawberries. He is very large so he comes across as the leader of the day care centre and he has a walking stick which shows he is very old, he moves slowly and almost slides across the floor. This gives the impression he has been through a lot because he is very heavy on his feet, however in contradiction to that he is very fluffy which gives the impression that he is cute natured.
The personality of a character is very important, especially when the characters are not human, because when objects or animals are animated you don’t immediately link that object or animal with an emotion or personality, so subtle things have to be carried out and thought about such as movement and posture.  

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