Tuesday 8 November 2011

Negative Space

Today we have experimented with negative space. The picture that I have create was all the negative space around the drawing room. I have done the negative space drawing like this because I think concentrate too much on the outer lines of an object. The top edge of the drawing is very much about the line around the easels and people that were in front of me, however the bottom right-hand section is more about the idea of negative space about the outline of the shapes in-between rather then the edges of the easels.

I like looking at the world in different ways and not always doing the expected. It creates an image that gets the viewer interested and that's very important within the animation industry. 

I think that I have done the obvious outlines because I have drawn like this all my life. I like the way in which these look and am going to research more into negative space and making drawings more interesting. 

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