Saturday 29 October 2011

Character Development

For the carers project I have been looking at different ideas for characters, I first thought about how to portray the carers in a way that would respectful, and a character that would show the soft emotional side of a carer but also the strong side that deals with what they live day to day.

I first started looking at animals and the way people perceive them and the characteristic they portray. I decided to look at ducks because they are known as 'cute' animals. The are 'known' to have a soft nature. But I decided they did not have enough of a hard exterior that I want to come across through this character.

I then looked at an eagle for their strength and poise, they are delicate but also very fierce, however I thought that they would come across to harsh, with being known as a bird of prey so I have decided to not to pursue this animal as a character idea.

I then look at polar bears, I know that they are quite a vicious animal, but I was looking at the cubs, being quite vulnerable yet growing up into something quite tough, I also wanted to put a spin on the idea of a teddy bear, but add some strength. I wasn't sure whether this thought would be portrayed to an audience so I have decided not to use this animal either.

I then looked at a different aspect of the carers that I thought would be very important to portray through the character and decided that family in carers situation is very important. Meerkats are soft and caring, they work as a family unit, they are also quite tough when they need to be. 

I am not sure on whether to use an animal as a character though because I'm a bit concerned it would create the wrong impression or perhaps dilute the message that I am creating.

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