Sunday 26 August 2012

Final 2d Animation

I used the green colours at the beginning of the animation while the young carer was talking about the difficult times when being a carer because its not a friendly colour or one that envokes the thought of happiness. I also added the mist to show it was unclear subject with many different opinions and feelings. I thinks that I have really thought about what I water the audience to feel.

The tree on its own is meant to show how isolated and alone a young carer can feel when they have no support and noone to help.
I didn't want to detract from the story that the young carer was talking about so I decided not to overbear the animation and chose to animate subtlety. I wanted to enhance the story not detract from it. I think that I have managed to accomplish this well.

I used the falling leaves and the grass blowing in the wind as subtle movements to show that everything isn't always harsh and hard things can be pushed through. I also wanted to create an obvious contrast between the dialogue talking about being a carer and the help that he gets. I think that I have created a different feeling. The blue colours are to create mystery but I think that blue doesn't necessary create the warm feeling that I was trying to portray and if I dis it again I would probably create a more warm colour like orange or pinks and reds.

The end of the animation show that young carers aren't alone and they do have was of getting support. I think that this message is very clear and I overall accomplished the message I wanted people to see.

Messy Files

I have learnt a lot of things about how to manage my files in Maya. I have tried to keep them clear and tidy but because I wanted to update and backup my work the files started to build up. I wanted to reduce the files and start tto clean them up when I changed a file name and it became unreadable. So I in the future I will name the files and make them tidy as I go. out

Tuesday 7 August 2012

3D Water Simulation

After completing my character and the modelling texturing and animation of the street scene I wanted to look at more animation movement. I decided to create a basic water animation to show animation flow and other aspects that I have learnt.

I think that this animation shows the movement of water well but perhaps not the way that gravity acts on it very well. The water seems to be quite floaty and it does bounce out of the basin too far. The direction of flow though I think I have accomplished. To improve this I could add some colouring and texturing. Also the lighting would add to the overall asthetics of the animation.

I think I have expanded my knowlege of the program and show that in this example. There is a lot too learn and

Thursday 19 July 2012

Modeling a Lamp

The lamp has showed my how to model and texture well and has given me the skills to go on and experiment with the program. The house that I have created has also expanded what I know. I think that I have done well with the model and the texturing although there have been a couple of things that of gone wrong such as. I had trouble with the model and some of the extruding but I fixed it and was able to troubleshoot well. Because it was a tutorial to show the software it's difficult to comment on it in a reflective way. I found it neither easy or hard to follow and believe that I did well with following the instructions. To create something that I can look back at and use for reference in the future.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Lip Sync

This is the Lipsync that i created from a short clip from young carer interview. I first used the sound file to determine where to place the mouth movements. I think that the range of movements that I have used cover the shapes of the mouth through speech to a detailed standard. I used several different pieces of reference material to create a set of mouth positions that would compliment my character and the style of speech.

I think that the movement that has been made inbetween the main keyframes could be smoother so to improve it I would add in halfway frames to show the transition through speech more smoothly. I think that I have draw mouth shapes that match the speech action very well and they show the tounge and teeth realistically.

I created the faces attached to the mouth shapes in Photoshop and have used this method so I could have something that looked like it should be there and that the mouth matched the face. 

Saturday 14 July 2012

Final animation colour concepts

These are the color pallettes I have decided to use for the final carers animation. The green dark colours are to show the difficulty and loneliness of being a young carer. The colours are quite monchrome and i have done this so you don't lose the raw emotion from the young carers dialog and the mood that I am trying to create. The vibes that people get from the colours I have chosen are unhappy.